Sunday, November 10, 2013

Review: Lush Sea Salt Spray

Hey everyone last weekend I decided that I had to make a trip to my local Lush store because all of the winter and holiday products were coming out. Sadly for some reason my store barely had any of the holiday items in, so I was pretty dissapointed... Anyways I decided that I wanted to pick up the Sea Spray because I had my eyes on it for a while now.

Lush Sea Spray - $12.95

One problem that I had with this product was the spray nozzle. When I first tried using it the spray wouldn't come out, the I decided that I would just go back to Lush and exchange it; but then I got antsy so I messed around with it and it started working. BUT then it started leaking EVERYWHERE...!!! So I was pretty annoyed but at least it is usable. So next time I go to Lush I am just going to ask if I can have a nozzle and switch it out. Anywas onto the product; I really like this spray because I find that it actually works and gives me tousled locks which I love, now I'm not sure if this will work if you have thick, heavy, pin-straight hair; but if you're like me and you have fine, wavy hair then this product might just become your best friend. Also unlike some sea salt sprays that leave your hair feeling too texturized and gross, I find that leaves my hair texturized but not too weighed down which is something that I really like. Also as a side note the scent of this product which is orange flower, neroli, rosewood and grapefruit is pretty strong, and although I do not love it I don't mind it; but if you are someone that is sensitive to scents I would recommend giving this one a sniff before picking it up.

Overall I do really enjoy this product because it works pretty darn well for me, although it was a little irritating that the spray nozzel is broken and that it does cost $12.95 for a bottle. But as long as it works its fine by me :D

Let me know if you are interested in picking up this spray...
Thanks for reading
Gaborillaa ;D


  1. I have a love/hate relationship with these products! I have very thick, wavy/curly hair and these kind of products often leave my hair crunchy and tangled. I mean, I don't think it's completely the products fault, I have a LOT of hair! My current favorite is the Got 2 Be one, but I'm open to new things :)

    1. Thats sooo true, to be honest I think that this product is targeted towards hair that is thinner and is in the middle of the spectrum; not too straight or wavey. But if you want to give this a try if you do end up going to a Lush spray some in your hair and see how you like it :D

  2. I think I might pick this up for my fringe, it gets a bit *mher*after a day or two being straightened! Loving your nails ^_^

    1. Yeahhh, that would probably work really well, let me know if it works haha! And thank you, I saw a photo and had to recreate them because they were soooo cute!!!

  3. Hmm I might have to give this a try with summer coming up! Plus a lush store just opened close to where I live- Hoorah!

    1. Haha yesss two reasons to try it out!!! And if a Lush store just opened up if your in there test it out and if it works for you then you gotta get it for sure :D
