
Monday, December 16, 2013

Royal Apothic Hothouse Peonie Candle

Hey everyone if you've read my previous post you'd know that I haven't been blogging in a while, but that is because my laptop has stopped working leaving me in quite the conundrum. But anyways I am back and I am currently writing this post from my Dads computer; none the less lets begin.

Mac Bad Girl RiRi and Pleasure Bomb Lipstick Review

Heyyy everyone I know that I haven't written a post in what seems like forever but I'm finally back in action. My laptop has been and still is broken, I've been super sick and both school and swimming are over running my life. Anyways since its so close to the Holidays and things are finally starting to slow down a bit I thought that it would be the perfect time to get back into the blogging groove.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Review: L'Oreal Voluminous Butterfly Mascara

L'Oreal Voluminous Butterfly Mascara - $13.95 Canadian

Hey everyone, the other day when I stopped into my local Shoppers Drugmart I came across a new mascara. It was the Voluminous Butterfly by L'Oreal. The packaging (which I am a big sucker for) looked cool and there was an optimim point promotion was going on so I didn't mind spending a little extra on a mascara especially since I was running out and the brush was super interesting.

Review: Melting Snowman Bath Melt

Hey everyone today I am going to be reviewing the Melting Snowman Bath Melt from Lush! This probably has to be one of Lushes cutest products!!! About 2 weeks ago I went to Lush and picked up The Christmas Penguin Bubble Bar and a bottle of the Sea Spray which I have written posts on; but the spray nozzle of the Sea Spray was broken so I had to go back into Lush to exchange it. And of course while I was in there I couldn't not resist picking something up!!! I had wanted to try the Melting Snowman bath melt for such a long time and today I was finally able to pick it up!!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Review: Lush Sea Salt Spray

Hey everyone last weekend I decided that I had to make a trip to my local Lush store because all of the winter and holiday products were coming out. Sadly for some reason my store barely had any of the holiday items in, so I was pretty dissapointed... Anyways I decided that I wanted to pick up the Sea Spray because I had my eyes on it for a while now.

Lush Sea Spray - $12.95

Review: Lush Christmas Penguin Bubble Bar

I am one of those people that loves to get festive for the Holidays. One of my holiday rituals is hitting up Lush to get some Christmas bath goodies. On my most recent trip to Lush I went in expecting to find all of the Christmas stuff out but sadly my store hadn't gotten their shipment in yet. Luckily for me there were a few items like the Christmas Penguin Bubble Bar so of course I just had to grab it.

Lush Christmas Penguin Bubble Bar - $7.95 Canadian

New Babylips Dr. Rescue Review

Hey everyone, as many of you know drugstore makeup always hits the States before it makes its way to Canada (there is always a 1-3 month lag before new drugstore collections start popping up here). Anyways the new Babylips Dr. Rescue have been launched and while I was in the states I picked up one of them and I love it!

I picked up the clear one because I got it at Rite Aid and it was pretty expensive around $5.00 with tax, which is around the same price the normal Babylips retail for here in Canada and I wasn't sure if I was going to like it so I only grabbed the one. I really do regret not getting more because I really do love the product. But I am pretty sure they will be popping up in Canada very soon anyways.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Mac Haul: Twig Lipstick, ProLongwear Concealer and Brush Cleanser

Hey everyone I know I've been a little MIA recently but I'm finally back. School has been super stressful lately and all of the extracurricular activities have started up now so making time to blog can be super difficult. But all of that aside I have a little Mac haul to share with you today. I went to New York for Canadian Thanksgiving which was this past October and of course I had to go shopping. Mac in the States is much cheaper than Mac here in Canada so of course I had to pick a few things up.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

RiRi Hearts Mac Holiday Collection

As you know Rihanna partnered up with Mac to release three highly anticipated collections. The first was her summer collection which was in standard black Mac packaging, her next was her fall collection that was packaged in beautiful rose gold packaging which I absolutly love and you can read about the Riri Woo Lipstick and Lipglass and the Bad Girl Gone Good Blush and Talk That Talk Lipstick and Liner which I have already posted about; and her last and final collection is coming out this Holiday Season. The exact release date of this collection has not been confirmed be it should be released around the 3rd week of December or earlier (probably on a Thursday, cuz thats the day most Mac collections get released).

Now I am sooo excited for this collection and I hope that it lives up to the fall collection that I was in LOVE with!
Photo: @badgalriri (instagram)

RiRi Hearts Mac Talk That Talk Lipstick & Liner

Hey there everyone, as many of you know the RiRi Hearts Mac collection has recently come out!!! Many of you may also know that this collection has been very coveted and because of that its been pretty difficult to get your hands on. I was able to grab the RiRi Woo lipglass and lipstick and the Bad Girl Gone Good Blush on September 26th when it launched in stand alone stores but my Mac store was all sold out of Talk That Talk. Luckily after spending around two hours online I was able to get my hands the Talk the Talk Lipstick and Pro Longwear Liner.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

RiRi Hearts Mac Collection Haul

Hey everyone, today I have something very exciting to share with you!!!! I got my hands on some of the pieces from the new RiRi Hearts Mac Collection. Now as far as I know this collection has been released only at free standing stores here in Canada, so if you do want some makeup from this collection you still have a few more chances. The online release will be Thursday, October 3rd and it will have an "online waiting room" like last time, also all other Mac counters in stores like The Bay will be relesing RiRi Hearts on the 3rd as well. I am pretty sure that this applies for stores in the States as well, but I would still call my local Mac store and clarify this because I do not live in America so I'm not too sure of American release dates. Also if you do not get anything from this fall collection do not fret because Rhianna will be launching one last RiRi Hearts Mac Collection this Christmas season so keep your eyes peeled for that. Now that I've gotten all of that out of the way lets move onto the actual products...

Friday, September 27, 2013

Bath and Body Works Fall Candle Haul

Hey everyone today I have a haul for you!!! Wooohooo, anyways the other day I stopped into Bath and Body Works, because lets be honest who can just walk by that store especially in the fall when all of those delicious, warm, cozy candles come out. I just couldn't resist AND it was buy one get one free so I just could not pass up that deal!!!

The first two candles that I bought were Farmstand Apple and Leaves, two of my favourite classics! I purchased them in the mason jar size because I find that the three-wick candles are too strong to burn in my small room, and the scent becomes too strong and sometimes overbearing so the smaller one-wick mason jar candles are perfect, and in the fall those jars are just sooo cute and festive.

6 oz. - $13.50 Canadian

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

This or That Beauty Tag

The other day, the lovely Miss Lilly from Beauty With Lilly tagged me to do the "This or That Tag". You guys should go check out her blog because it is FANTASTIC, she posts some really great content that I love reading, so if your looking for a really great blog I really recommend Lilly's, Anyways I personally love reading and watching tag videos because I'm a nosey little bugger, but anyways I am very excited to do my very tag, so without further adieu lets begin...

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Versatile Blogger Award

Hey everyone so the other day the wonderful Miss Louise from Lilting Grace nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. I know that it seriously isn't the biggest deal but it still makes me really happy to recieve these awards, because it shows that people really like my content and it pushes me to keep posting. I really want to say thank you to Louise because she is always reading my blog and commenting and always giving me feedback which really makes my day. I would seriously recommend checking out her beauty blog because she posts some great content and makes each of her posts a little quirky and funny at the same time which I love.

September Julep Maven Box

Hello there polishaholics, today I'm going to be showing you what's in my September Julep Maven Box!!! The box that I received was the It Girl box. Now if you just want to see the polish keep scrolling but if you want to read a bit of a rant on Julep keep reading. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Lush Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter

Lush Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter - $14.95 Canadian

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mac Prep & Prime Lip Base

When I went into Mac to check out the Indulge collection, whilst trying out the lipsticks I was telling one of the girls that worked there that I always have dry lips and that I hate wearing lipsticks because I find that it settles into the cracks on my lips; so she showed me the Mac Prep & Prime Lip Base.
 Mac Prep & Prime Lip Base - $19.00 Canadian

Mac Indulge Collection: Lipstick Sweet Succulence

Hey everyone, as you might know Mac recently released their fall Indulge Collection. As a makeup addict I of course had to check it out. I went into my local Mac and went on a swatching spree, and in all honestly I was not very impressed. The colours were sort of stale and they all seemed like colours that I've seen before. But one product that caught my eye was this lipstick Sweet Succulence.
Mac Sweet Succulence - $18.00 Canadian

Monday, August 12, 2013

Estee Lauder Raisins Eyeshadow Duo

Heyyy everyone today I am going to be talking about a new product that I just bought, and that I am totally in love with!!! It's my new Estee Lauder Raisins Eyeshadow Duo.

Estee Lauder Raisins - $36.00

Manicure Monday: Butter London "Knackered"

Hey there Polishaholics today is Monday, so you know what that means...its Manicure Monday!!! The polish I'm writing about today is Knackered by Butter London.

 Natural Light (5 Coats)

Friday, August 9, 2013

Daily Skincare Routine

Hello lovelies, today I am going to be talking about my skincare routine. In all honesty I am not a big skincare person, I do not go overboard and use tons and tons of products, my skincare routine is very simple. I use a few products that work really well for me and I want to share them with you. Also I'm mainly going to discuss my night time skincare routine because in the morning I usually just wash my face and moisturize.

Neutrogena Makeup Wipes, Bioderma, Pari Foaming Cleanser, Vichy Aqualia Thermal Moisturizer, Vichy ProEVEN Eye Cream  

Monday, August 5, 2013

Manicure Monday: My Favourite Nail Polishes for Summer

Hey everyone todays Manicure Monday post is My Favourite Polishes for Summer, now I know its already half way through summer, but c'mon who doesnt love a summer manicure...right..???

Friday, August 2, 2013

Favourites Friday: Korres Lip Butter

Helllllooooo, Todays Favourites Friday is a long time favourite and it is my Pomegranet Korres Lip Butter.
Pomegranet Korres Lip Butter - $16 Canadian

Monday, July 29, 2013

Manicure Monday: Ocean Nails

Hey there polishaholics I have and exciting Manicure Monday post for y'all today, I hope you enjoy...
Natural Light (No Flash)
I am a nail art buff, so when I saw a similar nail art look on Pinterest I knew that I had to recreate it.
This was actually quite an easy manicure to recreate because it required no tools, basically all you had to do was layer several colours to make a beautiful aerial view of an ocean.  

Friday, July 26, 2013

Favourites Friday: Benefit Watts Up Highlighter

Watts Up guys???

Today's Favourites Friday is my Benefit Watts Up Highlighter. I've been in love with this creamy, champagne coloured highlighting stick ever since I got it in a VIB birthday perk from Seporah. So yes this is a sample size product. I've had this highlighter for over five months and I use it almost daily, and it looks like I've barely used it at all, and again this is a sample, I cannot even comprehend how long the full size of this product would last!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Maybelline Great Lash Mascara in Royal Blue

 Today I am going to be doing a review on the Maybelline Great Lash Mascara in Royal Blue. I picked this mascara up at Rite Aid for just over $5 on a recent trip to New York City.

Bioderma: What is it & Is it really worth the hype???

I've heard tons and tons about Bioderma all across the internet for a little while now and i've always wanted to try it! Beauty Guru's on youtube like FleurDeForce and Missglamorazzi swear by it so of course I had to check it out!

100mL mini bottle $6.00 Canadian
First and foremost what is Bioderma:

Well Bioderma Créaline Sensibo H20 Cleansing Soultion or just simply Bioderma for short is a French solution micellaire which is primarily sold French pharmacies and a few other places like Shoppers Drugmart in Canada which is where I got my Bioderma. Now what is Bioderma you ask, well its a cleansing water or soultion micellaire, and basically all that means is there are small oil particles suspended in the soultion, this gives Bioderma that amazing ability to absorb or "eat up" your make up instead of smudging it all over your face, and this quality is also what allows Bioderma to have a water-like formulation and consistancy.

Now is Bioderma Sensibio H2O really worth the hype....

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Seche Vite Substitute? - Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Topcoat...

I am a nail polish addict, a self confessed polishaholic, I change my nail polish very regularly, and I do tons of nail art. Therefore I want my nail polish to stay on for as long as possible and look its greatest and that responsibility lies to the TOPCOAT.

For years I have been using the Seche Vite topcoat and it is amazing, it dries your nails to the touch in seconds and it is by far the quickest drying topcoat. Also its thick and glossy so when applied to the nails it leaves a salon finish and because it is so thick when doing nail art one does not need to worry about the polish being smuged or "pulled" thus ruining the design. Overall I love Seche Vite, so you may be wondering why I would stop using this magical topcoat. Well as the old saying goes "If it looks too good to be true it probably is" and this is the case for Seche Vite. Seche Vite contains several very dangerous chemicals that can cause birth defects and reproductive harm, and I absoultly do not want these chemicals in or on my body so I have to find a substitute.

Seche Vite Topcoat

Liebster Blog Award

So today after finally getting my internet back, and finally being able to blog again I realized that I was nominated for the Liebstar Award by Jen, from The Tickled Glitter and I also really want to thank her because it was such a kind gesture. Anyways I was curious, what is the Liebstar Award so I did a bit of research and this is what I came up with.


The Liebstar Award is an award that helps bring recognition to blogs with under 20 followers, and it’s a great opportunity to find new blogs.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Manicure Monday: Essie "Sunday Funday"

For today’s Manicure Monday I am wearing Sunday Funday on my nails by Essie.
 Natural Light - Outdoors (2 Coats)

Friday, July 12, 2013

Favourites Friday: EOS Lipbalms

Today's Favourites Friday is a product that is well known to the beauty community, and it is the infamous EOS lipbalms!!! A couple days ago I went to Costco and I picked up a four pack of these lipbalms for only $10 Canadian which was a steal for me! This resparked my obsession with these lipbalms so I just had to blog about EOS for my Favourites Friday Post!!!!

EOS 4 Pack - $10 Costco

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Maybelline Baby Lips Electro Collection: Review + Swatches

On my recent trip to New York I stopped into an Ulta for the first time in my life and I fell in love with several products right away and including the new Maybelline Baby Lips Electro Collection. I purchased two for myself and two for my cousin therefore I have Intel on four of the six lip balms in the collection.

The two colours that I purchased for myself are Berry Bomb which is the purple and Strike a Rose which is the hot pink.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Manicure Monday: China Glaze “Turned Up Turquoise”

Hey there polishaholics today I decided to start a new little series on my blog called “Manicure Mondays”. I plan to post a manicure or nail polish inspired post every Monday, and today this is the first.

The polish I am wearing is from the new China Glaze Sunsational Collection, it’s called Turned Up Turquoise and I’m really in love with it. I am a Turquoise fanatic and anything teal is usually good with me.
Natural Light (2 Coats)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Mini Mac Haul: Ambering Rose Blush & Snob Lipstick Review + Swatches

Hey everyone I have a mini haul for you today, on my recent trip to New York I just had to go to Mac because it’s quite a bit cheaper than Mac in Canada. Anyway whilst I was there I picked up two amazing products, the first was a blush called Ambering Rose and the second was a lipstick called Snob. I am head over heels in love with both of these products.
Ambering Rose and Snob

Friday, July 5, 2013

Favourites Friday: Garnier Intensive 7 Day Repairing Lotion Shea Butter

Today I wanted to introduce a new little series on my blog and it’s called Favourites Friday, with this series I want to share one of my favourite products every Friday.
The favourite I’m going to talk about today is my new favourite body lotion the Garnier Intensive 7 Day Repairing Lotion Shea Butter. I really love this product, its inexpensive and really shows results. On the bottle it says that skin is hydrated for 24 hours, and although that is stretching it a little bit, I know that this lotion lasts for over 12 hours on my skin. I can put it on in the night and still feel it the next morning or for the whole day as a matter of fact.
400 mL - $6.49 at Shoppers Drugmart

Revlon Photoready Skinlights: Review + Swatches

Today I got my hands on one of the new or technically re – released Revlon Photoready Skinlights in the colour 400 Bronze Light. I say re – released because Revlon discontinued the Skinlights in 2008 and they’ve finally brought it back. There are 4 colours in the collection, 100 Bare Light, 200 Pink Light, 300 Peach Light and of course 400 Bronze Light, which is the darkest shade and the colour that I purchased. I really love this product because it goes great with my skin tone and actually shows up against my darker complexion which cannot be said for many products.
 400 Bronze Light

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Welcome to my Blog

Hey everyone welcome to my blog. I am Gaborilla, or Gabrielle, I'm a 17 year old highschool student that loves writing and many other intrests like makeup, nail polish, fashion, books, movies, or food, and that is the reason why I wanted to create this blog so I could share the things that make my life truly amazing! I plan to make posts about beauty and lifestyle. I really hope you enjoy my blog!!! :D

XOXO Gaborillaa ;D