
Monday, December 16, 2013

Royal Apothic Hothouse Peonie Candle

Hey everyone if you've read my previous post you'd know that I haven't been blogging in a while, but that is because my laptop has stopped working leaving me in quite the conundrum. But anyways I am back and I am currently writing this post from my Dads computer; none the less lets begin.

Mac Bad Girl RiRi and Pleasure Bomb Lipstick Review

Heyyy everyone I know that I haven't written a post in what seems like forever but I'm finally back in action. My laptop has been and still is broken, I've been super sick and both school and swimming are over running my life. Anyways since its so close to the Holidays and things are finally starting to slow down a bit I thought that it would be the perfect time to get back into the blogging groove.